Validator School
Our Synchronization became bigger and bigger!
DVS grew up so fast, that we even haven’t time to write about all news!
We want to present you an overview of the latest news!
At first, now we have a web-page: — visit it to know more information about DVS and our projects!
Here you can find full list of 22 validators that are synchronizing with DVS:
Secondly, our Validator School is growing by leaps and bounds, and the number of people willing to participate in education is much larger than the number of mentors.
We have both: English-speaking and Russian-speaking groups, and we have more than 50 alumni!
The full list of our alumni (on 6th of June 2022) by this link
We are constantly improving our methodology.
At the beginning, we have completed three educational flows, which were a bit like a test-net of our Educational Model.
The First Flow went through our vision of the Education Model, and left behind an alpha-version of the Education Model
The Second Flow corrected all the “bugs” of the alpha-version, and left behind a beta-version of the Education Model
The Third Flow turned the beta-version into v1.0
All participants, who completed the First, Second and Third Flows, received not only important knowledge and launched their validators in the main-nets, but also received unique Digital NTF-Diplomas!
Here is you can find an examples of Digital NTF-Diplomas:
First Flow
Second Flow
Third Flow
Some of the graduates joined the DVS after completing the educational course, and some of them even became mentors at the Validator School and now help other students launch validators on test- and main-networks.
After that, we recruited a new course of students, which was trained according to the v1.0
The v1.0 group not only implemented our original idea — to give a person a complete understanding of what validation is and help them to launch a validator on the main-net in 1–1.5 months, but also made adjustments to the Educational Model, and the Educational Model v1.1 was born!
Recently, another enrollment of students was held at the Validator School, and two new groups are being educated according to the v1.1
After we created Educational Model v2.0, and two groups was pass it
After it we updated Educational Model to v2.1
Already two Russian-speaking groups and one English-speaking group went through the course v2.1
At the moment, another English-speaking group, and two Russian-speaking groups are finishing their studies, and we will start new course in near month!
We are preparing Educational Model v3.0!
During the learning process, we collected anonymous feedback from students, and based on these feedback, we adjusted the Educational Model.
We invite you to read this feedback from English-speaking students, and from Russian-speaking students
If you want to join the Validator School, here you can find all the important information:
For English-speakers
For Russian-speakers
For fast connection, you can use Telegram group: